

Subject Verb Agreement Grade 10


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that students must master in grade 10. The agreement between the subject and verb in a sentence is necessary to ensure that the sentence is grammatically correct and makes sense. Correct subject-verb agreement is essential for effective communication, both in written and spoken formats.

To understand subject-verb agreement, students must first recognize the subject and verb in a sentence. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or receives it. The verb, on the other hand, is the action or state of being that takes place in a sentence. The subject and verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as well. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural.

For example, in the sentence “The boy runs to the store,” the subject is “boy,” which is singular, and the verb “runs” is also singular. In contrast, in the sentence “The boys run to the store,” the subject “boys” is plural, and the verb “run” is also plural.

It`s important to note that subject-verb agreement can become more complicated with compound subjects, subject phrases, and clauses. In these cases, the agreement is based on the number of the subject nearest to the verb.

For instance, in the sentence “The dog and the cat chase the mouse,” both “dog” and “cat” are singular, but they are joined by the conjunction “and.” Therefore, the verb “chase” must be plural to agree with the compound subject “dog and cat.”

Similarly, in the sentence “The book that my sister gave me is on the table,” the subject is “book,” which is singular, but it`s modified by the subject clause “that my sister gave me.” Since the clause doesn`t change the number of the subject, the verb “is” remains singular.

In some cases, the subject can be unclear, making it challenging to determine the correct verb form. If this happens, students should focus on the noun or pronoun that performs the action to determine the subject.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is essential for grade 10 students to develop strong writing and communication skills. Teachers can provide students with ample opportunities to practice this aspect of grammar, including revision exercises, peer feedback, and writing activities. With consistent practice and attention to detail, students can become proficient in subject-verb agreement and produce clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences.