

Contractions in Writing Meaning


As a copy editor, one of the most common questions I get asked is whether or not contractions are appropriate in written content. The answer, as with most things in the world of writing, is not straightforward.

First, let`s define what contractions are. In writing, contractions occur when two words are abbreviated and combined into one. For example, “do not” becomes “don`t” and “cannot” becomes “can`t.” These types of contractions are often used in casual conversation, but what about in formal writing?

It used to be that contractions were a definite no-no in formal writing, but that`s no longer the case. Modern writing styles and trends have made room for more conversational language, and contractions have become more acceptable in many scenarios. In fact, using contractions can make your writing feel more natural and engaging, so long as they`re used appropriately.

So, when is it appropriate to use contractions in writing? It depends on the tone and purpose of your content. If you`re writing a formal academic paper or a business report, it`s still best to avoid contractions altogether. However, if you`re writing a blog post, email, or other casual piece of content, contractions are perfectly acceptable so long as they don`t detract from the clarity of your message.

Another factor to consider when using contractions in written content is the audience. If your readership is comprised of technical experts, lawyers, or other professionals, it may be best to avoid contractions altogether. However, if you`re writing for a general audience, using contractions can make your writing feel more accessible and relatable.

Finally, it`s essential to note that overusing contractions can make your writing feel too casual or even lazy. While it`s generally acceptable to use contractions in casual writing, you should avoid overusing them. A good rule of thumb is to use contractions only where it feels natural to do so. If you find yourself using them compulsively, read your content aloud to see if it still sounds professional and clear.

Overall, contractions can be a helpful tool for making written content more conversational and engaging. However, it`s crucial to use them appropriately and in moderation. Before using contractions, consider the tone, purpose, and audience of your content to ensure they`re used correctly and effectively.