

Blanket Agreements


As a copy editor, it’s important to understand the language of the industry you’re working in. One term that may come up in the business world is “blanket agreements.”

Blanket agreements are common in industries that provide ongoing services. Essentially, a blanket agreement is a contract that covers a specific period of time and outlines the terms of service for a company. These agreements are beneficial for both the client and the service provider because they establish clear expectations and eliminate the need for constant renegotiation.

One of the benefits of a blanket agreement is that it simplifies the negotiation process. With a blanket agreement in place, the terms of service are already established, meaning there’s no need to negotiate each individual project. This can save time and reduce the need for ongoing negotiation, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Blanket agreements are also beneficial for clients who need ongoing services. For example, a company that needs regular legal services may enter into a blanket agreement with a law firm. This agreement would cover all legal services the company needs over a specific period of time, providing peace of mind and budget predictability.

Another potential benefit of blanket agreements is that they may provide better pricing. Since the service provider knows they have a guaranteed amount of work over a specific period of time, they may be willing to offer a discount or reduced pricing.

One potential downside of blanket agreements is that they may not be as flexible as individual project agreements. Because the terms are already established, it may be difficult to make changes to the agreement if the client’s needs change. However, this can be mitigated by building in flexibility into the agreement from the start.

In conclusion, blanket agreements can be a beneficial tool for companies providing ongoing services. They can simplify negotiations, provide budget predictability, and potentially offer better pricing. As a copy editor, knowing the language of your client’s industry can help you better understand the content you’re editing and ensure it’s accurate and effective.