

Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects


When it comes to subject-verb agreement, we all know the basic rules: singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs. However, when it comes to indefinite pronouns, things can get a bit trickier.

Indefinite pronouns, such as “someone,” “anyone,” “everyone,” and “none,” don`t refer to a specific person or thing, but rather to an unspecified person or thing. When these pronouns are used as subjects, it can be difficult to determine which verb form to use.

The rule of thumb is to treat indefinite pronouns as singular, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. For example, “Someone is coming to the party” is correct because “someone” is singular. Similarly, “Everyone is responsible for their own actions” is correct because “everyone” is singular.

However, there are some indefinite pronouns that can be either singular or plural, depending on the context. These include “some,” “any,” and “none.” When these pronouns refer to a specific, countable noun, they take a plural verb. For example, “Some of the books are missing” is correct because “books” is plural. Similarly, “None of the students were prepared for the test” is correct because “students” is plural.

On the other hand, when these pronouns refer to an uncountable noun or a concept, they take a singular verb. For example, “Some of the information is incorrect” is correct because “information” is uncountable. Similarly, “None of the advice was helpful” is correct because “advice” is a concept rather than a countable noun.

It`s also important to note that in some cases, an indefinite pronoun can be followed by a prepositional phrase that changes the number of the subject. For example, “Some of the employees are unhappy” is correct because “employees” is plural. However, “Some of the work is difficult” is correct because the prepositional phrase “of the work” makes “some” singular.

In conclusion, when dealing with indefinite pronouns as subjects, it`s important to keep in mind the basic rule of treating them as singular, unless the context indicates otherwise. Additionally, be aware of how prepositional phrases can affect the number of the subject. With a little attention to detail, subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns can be mastered.